Lil Warrior cheerleaders, grades Kindergarten through 8th grade, will learn cheers from NHS cheerleaders on Sunday, October 2 nd from Noon – 3:00 pm. Show off those newly learned cheers at Halftime of the Freshman Football Game on October 7 th. Lil Warrior cheerleaders should wear comfortable attire and shoes for practice and black bottoms and free clinic t-shirt to the performance on Friday. Lil Warrior cheerleaders can wear additional layers under the t-shirt as needed. In order to guarantee t-shirt size, registration is due by 11:59 PM on Monday, September 19 th.
CHARGE IS $35 and includes clinic t-shirt, and light snack on Sunday
For the performance all participants should meet by the South end of the track, just past the bleachers, at approximately 5:15. Junior cheerleaders will perform at the halftime of the Freshman football game, approximately 5:30.
All parents are responsible for paying admission to the game, lil warrior cheerleaders will have paid admission to the game. Parents are also responsible for picking their participant up in the same location at drop off immediately following the performance. Clinic participants will not be allowed to leave after the performance until a parent is present.
Please contact Coach Laren Simon with any questions: norwalkwarriorscheer@gmail.com
Link: https://norwalk.revtrak.net/ athletic-camps/#/list