Our role is to be the contact for students and parents/guardians for all matters with the academics, career planning, and social/emotional concerns a student might have during their high school (9–12) years. The direct phone line is (515) 981-1833 and the fax is (515) 981-1868. The Counseling Center assigns students by their last name. We look forward to working with all of our students and their parents/guardians!
Upcoming College Visits and Local College Fairs
NHS Silver Cord (Volunteer) Information
The purpose of the Norwalk Silver Cord Program is to instill within students the importance of community service and encourage students to be accountable for investing in their own education and in their community on a regular basis during their school years.
In 2021, the volunteer service hours moved from the graduation portfolio to a NHS Silver Cord. All students are eligible to earn silver cord hours between their freshman year and the end of first semester of their senior year. To earn a Silver Cord, students must earn a total of 80 or more volunteer hours. Seniors will have until the first Friday in February to complete their service hours.
While we recommend students continue doing service every year there is no requirement. At this time, the only requirement is the TOTAL HOURS.
Submitting Service Hours
Upon completing volunteer service hours, please complete the Silver Cord Hours Log.
Link to Form: Silver Cord Hours Log
You have 30 days from the date of volunteer service to add your hours. Students can verify their totals on the Infinite Campus Student Portal under “Service Hours”. Please remember it is the student’s responsibility to track their service hours.
Students of the Class of 2025 must have all hours submitted by February 7, 2025.
Volunteer Opportunities
Students – Click Here for Volunteer Opportunities
Hours MUST be through a non-profit organization, school activity, and/or outside organization. If you wish to complete service hours through family or other areas, please see the building principal or assistant principal for approval.
Looking for Volunteers?
If you/your organization/your business is looking for student volunteers, please first review our Posting Guidelines & Policies and then email information regarding your volunteer opportunity to Jessica Garrison at jessica.garrison@norwalkschools.org Once your request is received, it will be advertised to the students.
Still Need Assistance?
If you still need assistance or have further questions, please contact the NHS Counseling Center.
Office hours: Monday-Friday, 7:45 AM – 3:45 PM
Phone Number: 515-981-1833
Curriculum & Graduation Portfolio
Norwalk High School Curriculum
Our high school offers a diverse curriculum designed to cater to a variety of student interests, including a strong emphasis on dual credit coursework that allows students to earn college credits while in high school. Additionally, the curriculum features a focus on career and technical exploration, providing students with hands-on learning opportunities to prepare for future careers.
Norwalk High School Graduation Portfolio
As a graduation requirement, all students are expected to complete a graduation portfolio throughout their high school career. Aligned with the NCSD’s mission to “Grow Learners and Leaders,” the portfolio will include artifacts that demonstrate growth in key areas: Self-Aware, Self-Directed, Strategic, Socially Aware, and Connected. Upon completion, students will participate in an exit interview with their Warrior Time Advisor and a Counselor or Administrator of their choice to reflect on their journey and achievements. More detailed information regarding the Graduation Portfolio can be found here.
Testing Information
We recommend students start taking the ACT during their junior year. Depending on your math level, some students should start testing in October and December – all other juniors should take the test in February and April. There are SIX testing times throughout the year. The other two are September and June.
NHS School code is 163245 if you want to Test at Norwalk our site code is 197870. If you have an IEP or 504, please see your Counselor before your register to discuss possible accommodations. If you are on free or reduced lunches, see the Counseling Center for possible fee reductions through the ACT.
How can I study for the ACT?
- ZAP’s ACT Test Prep Workshop
- Register NOW for the NHS workshop! The workshop will be held at the Norwalk District Office from 10 AM to 4 PM on Wednesday, March 5th. The cost of the workshop is $99.
- Varsity Tutors
- ACT Practice Tests
Does NHS offer the ACT?
- Yes, each spring the district pays for each junior student to take the ACT. You do not need to do anything to register, we will take care of it for you!
- 2025 Date: March 26, 2025
- 2026 Date: TBD
The NCRC measures and certifies the essential work skills needed for success in jobs across industries and occupations. With the NCRC, individuals can:
- Build confidence that their skills meet the needs of employers
- Show prospective employers concrete proof of their skills
- Apply real-world use to coursework from the classroom
- Determine skill improvement and training needs
NHS administers the NCRC once a year, on the same day as the ACT for students who would benefit more from the NCRC test than the ACT. The test is required for our Career Diploma students.
If you are interested in the SAT see your Counselor for more information or go to the below link. NHS School code is 163245 – we are not a test site for the SAT.
PSAT and PSAT 10
The Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT) is more than good practice for the SAT. The assessment is your first step in setting your personal SAT target score, entering the National Merit® Scholarship Program, connecting with colleges and scholarships, and exploring careers. For more information please visit the College Board’s PSAT website.
NHS offers the PSAT every fall and it is available for all 10th and 11th grade students. However, the test only counts the 11th grade year for the National Merit competition. Please check back for the 2026 Test Date as well as a link to register.
The PSAT10 is part of the SAT Suite of Assessments and is taken in the spring by students in 10th grade. The PSAT10 is the same as the PSAT/NMSQT in terms of subject matter and difficulty, but it does not qualify students for the National Merit Scholarship Program. For more information, please visit the College Board’s PSAT10 website.
NHS offers the PSAT10 every spring and will be held on Wednesday, April 16th this year. The deadline to register has passed.
If you are planning to take a math course through DMACC, you will have to complete the ALEKS Test for placement purposes. Below are the scores needed for courses offered at NHS for DMACC credit:
- Statistics (MAT156) – score of 30 or higher
- Precalculus (MAT129) – score of 61 or higher
- Calculus I (MAT211) – score of 76 or higher (C or higher in MAT129)
The ALEKS Test requires a password and must be proctored by a NHS staff member. Below are upcoming ALEKS Test Dates:
- Wednesday, March 26 (9:00am – 11:00/30am): all 9th & 10th graders – Park in Eastview parking lot (doors open 8:45am – 9:05am)
- Wednesday, April 2 (2:00pm – 4:00pm): All 11th graders
- Wednesday, April 16 (2:00pm – 4:00pm): Anyone who has not tested or needs to retest
- Wednesday, May 7 (2:00pm – 4:00pm): Retest date
- Wednesday, May 28 (2:00pm – 4:00pm): Retest date
Please contact Mrs. Frantum (marla.frantum@norwalkschools.org) for more information.
AP testing allows high school students to take college-level exams in various subjects, providing an opportunity to earn college credit or advanced placement. Scoring well on AP exams can enhance a student’s college application by demonstrating academic rigor and readiness for higher education. Additionally, it can help reduce college tuition costs by allowing students to skip introductory courses.
How will my AP course transfer?
- Iowa State University AP Information
- University of Iowa AP Information
- University of Northern Iowa AP Information
- DMACC AP Information
AP Testing at Norwalk
- The cost of an AP exam is $110 and can be paid through RevTrak.
- If you have any additional questions, please contact the AP coordinator, Ms. Frantum (marla.frantum@norwalkschools.org).
- Schedule
- AP Biology: Monday, May 5th at 7:30 AM (location TBD)
- AP Microeconomics: Monday, May 5th at 12 PM (Norwalk High School)
- AP Human Geography: Tuesday, May 6th at 7:30 AM (District Office)
- AP US Government: Tuesday, May 6th at 12 PM (District Office)
- AP Lit/Comp: Wednesday, May 7th at 7:30 AM (District Office)
- AP Computer Science A (Java): Wednesday, May 7th at 12 PM (District Office)
- AP Statistics: Thursday, May 8th at 7:30 AM (District Office)
- AP United States History: Friday, May 9th at 7:30 AM (District Office)
- AP Macroeconomics: Friday, May 9th at 12 PM (Norwalk High School)
- AP 2-D Art and Design: Friday, May 9th at 1 PM
- AP 3-D Art and Design: Friday, May 9th at 1 PM
- AP Drawing: Friday, May 9th at 1 PM
- AP Calculus BC: Monday, May 12th at 7:30 AM (Norwalk High School)
- AP Environmental Science: Tuesday, May 13th at 11:30 AM (District Office)
- AP Language & Comp: Wednesday, May 14th at 7:30 AM (District Office)
- AP Physics C: Wednesday, May 14th at 12 PM (TBD)
- AP Physics E & M: Thursday, May 15th at 11:30 AM (Norwalk High School)
Iowa Seal of Biliteracy Exam
A seal of biliteracy is an award given by a district to recognize students who have attained proficiency in two or more languages, one of which is English, by high school graduation.
NHS administers the STAMP test twice a year, once in the spring and fall.
- Fall Date:
- Spring Date: Thursday, March 13th – Deadline to register has passed.
Please contact the STAMP coordinator, Mrs. Ward (leslea.ward@norwalkschools.org), for more information.
The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) is a multiple-aptitude battery that measures developed abilities and helps predict future academic and occupational success in the military. While this is a test utilized by the military, it is open to anyone and can help students identify areas of strength and match their skills to potential careers.
NHS offers the ASVAB twice a year, once in the fall and spring.
- Fall Date: October 24, 2024
- Spring Date: April 30, 2025 at 11:00 AM – Register HERE
Please contact the ASVAB coordinator, Mrs. Drymon (kari.drymon@norwalkschools.org), for more information.
Varsity Tutors
Norwalk Community School District is excited to announce their partnership with Varsity Tutors. This great platform provides live and on-demand tutoring resources for all students. The comprehensive learning platform is available to assist each district student whenever needed. The Varsity Tutors for Schools platform is being provided at no cost to the Norwalk Community School District.
The comprehensive platform integrates interactive study tools, collaborative workspaces, and dynamic tutoring resources, including:
- 24/7 On-Demand Chat Tutoring
- On-Demand Essay Review
- Live Enrichment and Remediation Classes
- SAT and ACT Test Prep Classes
- Celebrity-Led StarCourse Classes
- Self Study Resources
- College & Career Readiness Resources
- Adaptive Assessments & Personalized Learning Plans
- Recorded Enrichment Classes
When students need help with homework or are struggling to solve a problem, they can immediately chat with a tutor, 24/7, to get the help they need. They can also sign up for expert-led live classes, and learn subjects like Geometry, Middle School Math, Elementary School Reading and more.
Norwalk students can access the Varsity Tutors for School platform by visiting here.
Here is a step-by-step guide to assist you in navigating Varsity Tutors.